I'm Sarah Moon & I'm on a mission to re-invent modern marketing.

Woman writing in a notebook

Sound like a big goal? That’s because it is.

(And that’s the way I like it.)

Let’s be real, modern marketing has a whole lot of big problems. It doesn’t serve people, too often it obfuscates twists the knife in our pain—instead of helping, marketing hurts. And that’s bad for the world.

In the world of marketing online, growth hacking, manipulation, and bait and switch tactics are all too common. Ethical marketing is simply a buzzword with no real meaning to many.

If you’re anything like me, you want to make an impact in your industry, your community, your world. That’s what truly matters. And for many of us, it feels like marketing is holding us back from doing just that.

But it doesn’t have to be that way—let’s forge a new path together.

"I didn't start out with a community of other business leaders / business owners 'like me.' Much of what I observed watching other founders and business owners didn't feel like a "fit" for me, as an introvert / thinker who is firmly of the Steve Martin school: I prefer to 'be so good they can't ignore you,' and am allergic to self-promotion. When Sarah and I connected I found—for the first time as a business owner / operator—a strong feeling of 'OMG I'm not alone.' "

— Sara Lobkovich, OKR Strategist

It all started with a blog…

Sarah Moon resting her head on her hand. She's wearing cat eye glasses and smiling.

After several years of working in public and private sector PR and marketing, I started a blog—and little did I know it would change everything.

You see, after college (American University in DC) and grad school (University College Dublin in Ireland) I had the fancy jobs: Communications Director, Public Information Officer, Media Officer, you get the picture—all the fancy titles at equally fancy organizations. During that time, I accumulated lots of cred and appeared in media outlets ranging from regional magazines, to Telemundo, NPR and the Washington Post, among others.

And yet, I was still itching to explore my creativity. It was 2007 or so and WordPress had made creating websites, especially blogs, accessible to anyone with a bit of server space and some time on their hands. I had led website projects at various workplaces, and had a good idea how it all came together.

So, I thought, “Why not?” And I started a blog.

Little did I know that this would be the catalyst to busting down all the doors and windows on the career path I’d planned. What I discovered through that blog was that I could write my own stories and build my own platform outside the institutions I was working within—and that was an exciting proposition.

  • Following a layoff in 2008 (the Great Recession was not fun), that little blog led me to teaching online marketing and website design at a local college, and businesses started approaching me about helping them create their own online homes. Slowly, and then all at once, I had clients and a business that fueled my strategy loving creative brain.

    Now, nearly 15 years later, I share insights on modern marketing every week with thousands of people in my newsletter and on my blog. But more importantly, I get to help an amazing cadre of thought leaders and change makers develop their authority and amplify their visibility online using my Alignthority™ Marketing System. How cool is that?

    When I’m not chatting with clients on Zoom or strategizing with my team, you’ll find me riding my bike, milling flour in my kitchen, trying my hand at all things creative (the latest is watercolor painting), and, along with my husband Joshua—who is SM&Co’s Program Manager—wrangling my sweet and spunky Australian Shepherd, in our friendly northeast Portland community. 

What We Believe: Company Values

Do you have a vision of shaking up your industry, making a big impact, and creating a bigger table for all? Then you’ll be right at home with me.

You Belong

We support and celebrate your identity, including ethnicity, race, gender, LQBTQ+, age, nationality, religion, and abilities.

Expertise Sells

Smart people with big ideas can and should flourish—even when they’re the quietest person in the room.

Own Your Voice

You have something bold and valuable to contribute—and people need to know about. Focus energy on the properties you own and control.

Authority = Impact

Internet fame is fleeting, but authority? Authority carries you far—for the long term.

Integrity Matters

Growth hacking, false urgency, SEO scams, and the erosion of personal privacy aren’t aligned with our ethics—and we know we’re not alone. We operate with integrity, live our values, and teach our clients the same.

Embrace Curiosity

We never stop learning, adapting, and refining—and facilitate our community’s growth, whether from us or other experts.

Woman holding a three d printed object. She has purple nails.

Explore Client Success Stories

I’d love for you to take a few moments to browse the stories of clients I’ve worked with over the years. My goal in telling these stories is for you to be able to see a bit of yourself in these business journeys.