The Power of Your Business Blog: Five Proven Strategies to Conquer Content Block (+ a Video)

Steal these business blogging hacks

Feeling stuck at the keyboard, staring at that blinking cursor again? You're not alone.

For many of my clients, starting a business blog can feel daunting. But bringing your voice to your website doesn’t have to be a chore. Let’s talk about some of my favorite hacks to conquer that horrible blinking cursor on the blank page that make blogging easier, more resonant, and most importantly—effective—for your business.

First, let’s talk about my own business blogging origin story.

Let’s rewind to the early 2000s. I was in a government communications job that, while stable, left me creatively unfulfilled. Blogging came into my life as a simple hobby, something done on WordPress (because that and Blogger were all there were) for fun. Fast forward a few years later, I found myself laid off during the financial crisis of 2008 with no job in sight. That was not awesome!

That little blog unexpectedly opened doors, attracting opportunities to consult on marketing projects (including one for that very employer that laid me off) just because I had showcased my knowledge in a specific niche. Blogs became my primary lead generator and transformed my career. I’ve seen this work for many others across industries, and here’s how it can work for you.

The Blog writing Excuses We Tell Ourselves

Before we dive into the tactics, let’s address the common roadblocks:

"I’m not a good writer," "I hate writing," "I don’t even know where to begin."

These feelings are valid (I’ve been there!) but truly they should not stand in your way—we can work with this. Trust me, each of us has a communication strength, whether we realize it or not.

Please note: The live broadcast starts at about five minutes in. Skip to 5:13 where the video starts.

Five Ways to Make Business Blogging Easier

Business Blogging Hack 1: Walk and Talk

I do this all the time! Embrace the power of movement—it can really help you get out of your head. During your daily walk, record your thoughts. Use apps like Bear or Apple Notes for talk-to-text dictation. Speaking out loud often helps your ideas flow more freely. Creating your blog posts this way ensures that you're capturing your authentic voice.

Business Blogging Hack 2: Leverage a Friendly Audience

Your newsletter subscribers are already interested in what you have to say. They have said, “Yes, please share with me!”

Draft pieces of blog posts in your newsletters, allowing audience feedback to refine your ideas. Consider turning this series of newsletters into a comprehensive blog post.

Business Blogging Hack 3: Social Media Dive

Are you active on social media? Revisit your old posts. Those with high engagement are prime content to expand into blog posts, ensuring that your thoughts reach beyond the social media void.

Business Blogging Hack 4: Transform Recorded Media

Have you recorded videos or podcasts recently? These can be goldmines of content. Use tools like Descript to transcribe and shape them into blog articles, ensuring client privacy and editing for clarity.

Business Blogging Hack 5: Answer the Inbox

Your email inbox is a treasure trove for blog topics. Recurrent questions should shape your blog content, addressing popular inquiries directly while building credibility and potentially even generating income from consultative calls.

Key Takeaways About Making Business Blogging Easier

Blogging is not about penning a term paper. It’s about piping your authentic voice into the cyber-universe and engaging your audience with relatable content. Remember, every post is an opportunity to reinforce your brand’s integrity and invite action through well-placed calls to action.

Every one of you holds the potential for a body of work that can guide, inspire, and inform others. It's time to strategize, step out of your comfort zone, and let your insights shine online. Get writing—the world is ready to hear your story

Sarah Moon

Sarah Moon is a marketing and business strategist based in Portland, Oregon and is an expert in the nuances of leveraging the search engine for service providers and other experts. Using her signature Alignthority™ method, she helps entrepreneurs get found, own their voices, and grow their businesses.

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